Antioch Missionary Baptist Church (Oviedo, FL) | Annual Prayer Book
Every business or project needs compelling graphics to communicate its brand and value proposition. Antioch Missionary Baptist Church (Oviedo, FL), Inc. (“AMBC”) asked Executive Thought Partners to provide a full package of project management, design consulting, production, and print services for its Annual 21-Day Prayer & Fasting Devotional Booklet. God has blessed our relationship, where we have provided this service since 2018.
Tasks & Actions
In 2018, we strategized and planned to create a consistent design and layout that was repeatable versus redesigning the book every year. Why? The cost to design, produce and print a new concept every year was counterproductive, costly, and wasteful. We used Adobe products such as InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator to invent a booklet and repository of devotionals that the Special Events Ministry’s Project Manager could draw from each year. We also created PDFs for digital downloads and email distribution, which lowered the number of hard copies from 1200 in 2018 to 800 in 2019 to 400 in 2020. The approach also allowed the congregation to become comfortable with digital books. The Media Ministry used JPGs for daily distribution on Facebook, which extended AMBC’s reach, as well.
The savings and speed we sought in 2018 were realized in December 2020 for the 2021 Prayer Booklet. In 2018, the process lasted for several weeks, fees and printing cost approximately $1,800. By 2020, the entire process lasted a week and cost approximately $800 total, a 44.4% savings.
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